
Airbrush Spray Booth

This portable Airbrush Spray Booth allows for a cleaner and safer workspace when airbrushing. Ideal for hobbyists, crafters, model makers, cake decorators and more. It features clip-on LED lighting that provides 40,000 hours of light at 2000 lumens, manually operated 19cm plastic banding wheel, removable components for easy cleaning and replacement, an airflow of 4 cubic metres per minute and low noise level of 47Db. Comes complete with 240V/DC12V power adapter and a working area of 41cmW x 38cmD. Booth size when extended 48cm x 42cm x 36cm.


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AIRBSPBT AIRBSPBT *ART LOGIC AIRBRUSH SPRAY BOOTH with LED LIGHTING. This portable Airbrush Spray Booth allows for a cleaner and safer workspace when airbrushing. Ideal for hobbyists, crafters, model makers, cake decorators and more. It features clip-on LED lighting that provides 40,000 hours of light at 2000 lumens, manually operated 19cm plastic banding wheel, removable components for easy cleaning and replacement, an airflow of 4 cubic metres per minute and low noise level of 47Db. Comes complete with 240V/DC12V power adapter and a working area of 41cmW x 38cmD. Booth size when extended 48cm x 42cm x 36cm. 1 Login For Price
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